Welcome to us!
Thank you for choosing to stay with us!
Telephone reception: (+46)522 - 68 69 70
Emergency telephone: (+46)736 - 44 65 40
Check-out time: 10:00
Wi-fi: FHSK - wifi Password: welcome123
Breakfast is served in the main building (Västkustgården), one floor down from the reception. Breakfast is served from 7:30 - 10:00
Other information
Fire safety: all corridors and staircases are emergency exits and should be kept clear of obstacles.
External doors are locked in the evening and night, you can enter with the key card.
Smoking is permitted outside the school grounds.
Taxi: the nearest taxi company is in Uddevalla. Telephone: (+46)522 - 144 00
Bus and train: buses and trains to Uddevalla and Gothenburg are located in the city center, just a 10-minute walk away. Departures are approximately once an hour. www.vasttrafik.se
Defibrillator: there is a defibrillator in the reception, on the wall near the luggage room, and inside the entrance of the library building.
Things to do
There are plenty of activities to choose from both here and in Ljungskile. We have the sea and mountains nearby for lovely tours. In the reception, you can find maps of hiking trails and if you want to borrow indoor and outdoor games, we have those too.
We offer
Sauna: located in Västkustgården, hotel guests have free access and hostel guests can access for a fee. The sauna should be booked at the reception.
Movie night: every Tuesday between August and May, current movies are shown. For more information, visit www.ljungskilebio.se
Library: During the winter months, the library is open from 08:00 - 16:00
Golf: Lyckorna Golf Club is located just outside central Ljungskile.